Ten Steps to Wellness for Life

Being well means that your body, mind and spirit are all balanced. Wellness means happiness. When our bodies, minds and souls are balanced we have less stress and less anger. Use these ten tips to better your life and your soul!
Get A Hobby
A hobby can be fun and beneficial. Hobbies gives us something to do, something to look at and something that makes us feel accomplished. The best hobbies are ones you can share with other people. Start crafting and use you crafts as gifts for family and friends, or sell them at craft shows. If you aren’t the creative type maybe you would rather just collect something as a hobby. Find something that has meaning to you and that you will enjoy looking at to collect. Other hobbies can include reading and even writing. Just use your imagination! Alternatively, you could play some fun casino games via www.oncapan.com.
Meditation is great for stress relief. Take even just five minutes out of your hectic day to sit in silence and breath. Use a candle as a focus point, listen to a soothing CD. Shut your phone off for the duration, no television, no distraction. Try to meditate first thing in the morning to start your day off relaxed and then meditate again before bed to help get ready for a good night’s sleep.
Start A Nest Egg
One of the most stressful things in life is having an emergency and no money to take care of it. Living pay check to pay check wears us down. Start saving money now so that you will have a little something when you need it. Stash five or ten dollars from each paycheck in a can or a saving account, it will add up. If you have more to spare then put more away. If you haven’t needed it in a year for an emergency then use it to go on a much needed vacation!
Have A Night Out
Being stuck in the office and then in the house can wear anyone down. Go have a night on the town. Have a beer at the bar with some good friends, or go catch the newest release at the local cinema. If you have a little money to spend try going to a concert and just letting loose!
Clutter can hamper our lives, body and mind. You can’t find what you need when you need it, you are tripping over things all the time. It just adds unneeded stress to your life. Organize stuff, if you haven’t used it in a few months then donate it. If you don’t absolutely love something and it has no use in your life then let it go.
Practice Feng Shui
Feng Shui is kind of an art where balance is brought into your life through directions and elements. Feng Shui in a room means that there is a direct flow of qi running through that is not broken. Don’t over stuff your rooms, leave space, space allows qi to flow. Keep a balance to your décor and then your life will follow that balance.
Get A Pet
Pets can be wonderful stress relievers. Whether you are a cat person or a dog person, you can benefit from their companionship and unconditional love. If furry creatures aren’t your thing try a goldfish in a bowl. Fish can be relaxing to watch and are fairly easy to take care of.
Get All Dressed Up With No Place To Go
Even if you have no plans and no where to go, getting all dressed up can give you a much needed confidence boost. Put on some make-up, style your hair. Then, if you are so inclined, have a self portrait photo shoot with yourself. It’ll make you feel beautiful!
Dance, Love & Dream
Be free. Dance, for fitness and for fun. Dance like no one is watching. Love like there is no tomorrow. Don’t keep to yourself, share you heart with other, even if it’s just with friends and family. Dream, even if the dreams don’t come true. How can their be a future of any kind if you have no dreams for it?
Try Positive Thinking
Always think positive. Positive thinking leads to positive results. If you believe in something enough sooner or later it would come to be. Positive thinking can calm stress and relieve depression. Being positive will rub off on the people around you too!